Monday, August 15, 2005

15 August Orcalab reports

11:06 PDT No calls but orcas nearby

Oh Boy! It was very difficult to read the c10 calls and figure out what direction they ended up going. max flood was happening just when we stopped hearing their calls and logic would have them taking advantage of the tide to go east but we never heard the calls get very loud on the critical Point station. Meanwhile the a12s and the A4s have been seen in Queen Charlotte Strait. They are slowly east bound at Black Bluff. (Tuan/Seasmoke Whale Watching report).

18:48 PDT Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.
We feel like we have been in suspended animation. The A12s and the A35s took forever to come out of Queen Charlotte Strait and into Blackfish Sound and through Blackney Pass. It was worth it! They were beautiful passing the lab. They are now on their way to Johnstone Strait and hopefully CP.

19:23 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The A12s and A35s have passed CP now and crossed over to mid strait, they are making their way to the east slowly.

21:31 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
No calls but the whales are at the beaches.

23:02 PDT Distant calls audible.
So far we have been listening to A4s on Critical Point.

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