Saturday, October 29, 2005

29 October Orcalab reports:

Superb sounds!!

The A5s & A4s are back! We're listening to them on the Parson Island hydrophone as they head towards Johnstone Strait.
29 Oct 2005 00:46:36 PDT

No orcas present.

It has been a while now since we heard calls. Possibly the whales (the A4s, A5s and A1s)continued to the east after lingering off Critical Point. Meanwhile Pacific Whitesided dolphins can still be heard in Blackfish Sound.
29 Oct 2005 04:08:09 PDT

No orcas present.

We have not heard anything now for a few hours but the whales went east and will come back at some point. We read with interest Cetacealab's report about seeing the A4s a few days ago. They have travelled! And by the sounds of things earlier this morning they still had energy to burn.
29 Oct 2005 10:36:01 PDT

No orcas present.

We've heard no calls since early this morning, & think that the large group of orcas (A1s, A4s, A5s) that headed into Johnstone Strait shortly after midnight must have continued to the east. We are waiting for their return!
29 Oct 2005 18:46:31 PDT

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