Wednesday, July 11, 2007

11 July 2007, Orcalab reports:

Things might be progressing! This morning there have been two reports (thanks to the MacKays) of fairly large sized groups of orca,heading eastward (our direction), from Cape Caution and opposite Port Hardy. This means they are still fairly far away but it is the first sign of any activity for quite a while. Stay tuned.
11 Jul 2007 09:17:55 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

More word from the far west. The update comes from the Mackays. Near Port Hardy they saw the Rs and a bit later the A11s (and yes, Springer) and possibly the I11s as well. They are still a long way off and may yet turn back to the west but the excitment is certainly mounting.
11 Jul 2007 15:33:29 PDT

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